Nicolás Montero Melo

International Relations, Peace and Security | Consultant

Nicolás is a professional with an emphasis in International Relations, diplomacy, conflict resolution, crisis, risk analysis, and multilateral relations. He has stood out for his analytical skills, pragmatic and adaptive approach, complemented by his knowledge in history and geography. He is an integral professional who always seeks to complement his knowledge with information and experience from any point of view. He also has skills in public speaking, writing, and presentating in both English and Spanish.

  • Pragmatic, adaptive, and strategic approach to analysis.
  • Strong public speaking and writing skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Research skills.
  • Team player.
  • Extensive historical and geographical knowledge.

His internship was at the Rafael Reyes Prieto War College in the Internationalization area, supporting the creation of documents focused on new strategies for institutional relations and projection in the face of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He is a graduate of the International Relations program at the Universidad del Rosario and completed an emphasis on Security, Peace, and Conflict. He was part of the research group on Organized Crime of the Faculty of Political, International, and Urban Studies of the same university. He was also part of the institutional history radio program “Ayer, Hoy y Mañana” (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow) of Urosario Radio. He was a MetLife Scholarship Foundation Pathways Fellow during his undergraduate studies.